Thecreativeguy’s Weblog

October 9, 2008, 2:53 pm
Filed under: Genesis

Well after all the hell we’ve been through lately, we’re doing a series about hell…and heaven:)  It is going to be amazing.  So for all you out there in Tallyland….get some of your unsaved friends there this Sunday as we kick off RESERVATIONS….we’ll be holding a reservation for you and your guests!

Living in Idaho
June 24, 2008, 8:44 pm
Filed under: technology

Working in my job, I sometimes feel like I am the only one timewarped from a scene of Napoleon Dynamite.  Meaning, “I love technology” should be my theme song, but as in the movie, it is so far from reality of what technology acutally looks like.  They were dial up, we are WiFi.  Everyone in that movie was straight out of 1989…all out of date…all behind in the times.  So what does this have to do with my job?  Follow me.  My career has dropped me smack dab in the middle of figuring everything out from scratch.  From TV Production, to IMAG, to DMX Lighting, to HDs & VDAs & CCUs & LCDs & HIJKLMNOPs….I have been time warped from Napoleon’s Idaho High School’s Tech Department into a 2008 Space Saga.  How did I get here? A PR & Drama degree does not translate into Film School.  I was the actor on stage and now I am trying to figure out what goes on behind the scenes.  I suppose I am slowly becoming a techie and it’s a little weird.  I think it’s time to go back to school:) Now I just have to find the time to do it…  Thank God I am a manager and not the executor of all that happens on a Sunday Experience.  Otherwise, Genesis would look like Napoleon’s prom.  We are launching a satellite church…and I am trying to play catch up.  Oh help me God….and Skip.

April 21, 2008, 8:06 pm
Filed under: my life

When I was a kid, relatives & friends always said to my parents, “They grow up so fast”.   And I thought that it was such a stupid statement.  I always wanted to be older and never really grew:(  I didn’t get it.  Now looking at my kids I stand in awe of time.  I look at Addy and cannot believe how expressive, stunning and intelligent she is.  She is seriously 3 going on 13.  She knows so much and loves so deeply the people and things that matter to her.

I feel like I’ve blinked and almost missed Ella’s baby stage.  I look at her newborn pictures and it seems impossible that she’s so big now.  She is such a good baby and is a joy to have around…I want another one of her:)

Even when life is hard, I look at them and realize that God has given me something so great.  I could not be married to a better woman.  And our children are miracles…litteraly.  Tab’s health and mine…they could have been statistics instead of blessings.

It’s in moments of reflection that I get what gratefulness is all about; that I get what the grace of God is all about.  Make time to spend with your kids, don’t just be around.  Be there.  Be thankful for them.  Otherwise you’ll blink…and they’ll have grown up so fast and you’ll have missed their lives.  Do you really not want to cherish this?

 Just a thought.

for no one to read.
April 21, 2008, 7:45 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Made you look.

April 2, 2008, 5:56 pm
Filed under: you should steal this

Here at our church, GENESISCHURCH.TV, I am in charge of what we call the 1 Idea.  We basically juggle 9 weeks of services at one time and are planning for everything 13 weeks out.  It allows for creativity to actually be implemented and for ideas to come into fruition.  Sometimes it seems daunting, other days I am so thankful we have switched to this system because I love to organize and plan…that’s who I am.  We do really amazing sets, videos and marketing through this monster we have created.  ANYHOW…needless to say, I am always looking for sermon series ideas for our once-a-year series planning meeting.  I came across a youtube post because of an email and think that “Don’t Drink The Cool-Aid” might be a ringer.  Check out these links:

March 31, 2008, 9:25 pm
Filed under: my life


It makes me laugh how God works.  This morning I had one of the worst pain days in a long time.  Tab started calling chiropractors in our insurance network to try and get me in so someone could relieve the pain in my hips.  I got into a doctor and it ended up being the same one my brother goes to.  Weird.  He was an excellent man who seemed concerned and is actually writing papers on Fibro with other research doctors at Florida State.  He worked on me for 1 1/2 hours and I feel so much better.  It is weird how you become thankful to be able to walk without tearing up.  Anyhow, small victory.  My right calf today is winning when my left one was prevailing.  (My left calf tattoo means “attacked” & right means “victory”.)  The irony of it all.

March 29, 2008, 1:38 pm
Filed under: my life


(left to right) scott & tabitha, adison & ella

I just let my oldest daughter (newly 3 year old Adison) watch the UFC videos.  She immediately tried to tie my arms up and said, “Dad, I’m doing that weird stuff.”  I’ve ruined my princess.  Next is softball and monster truck rallies.

stupidity part duex
March 29, 2008, 1:06 pm
Filed under: video leaks

this is before my fibromyalgia went crazy…this hurt even without it.  trust me.

stupidity part 2
March 29, 2008, 12:59 pm
Filed under: video leaks

again…more pain and embarrassment with ufc fighter dan rose.

my life…as i know it.
March 28, 2008, 2:12 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I am the Pastor of Experiences & Creative Architect @ GENESISCHURCH.TV in Tallahassee, Florida….check out the website…Genesis started in 2003 with 8 people and runs now over 1,200 in 2 experiences on a Sunday morning. I’ve been a student pastor for 5 years…just switched roles!

Like Tallahassee, but miss Cincinnati & NYC.  Lived in New York City for 2 years and did Off Off Broadway shows, an Off Broadway Showcase, TV (Trackers – Oxygen Network) & 2 movies.  God called me into full time ministry after surviving 9-11 in 2001.  It has been an amazing ride!

I am happily married to my Jr. High/High School/College sweetheart…Tabitha (Cook) Hunter.  Our 3-year old, Adison Elizabeth, is stinkin’ hillarious.  Ella was born on December 17th and is now 3 months old…hard to believe.  She’s beautiful like her sister and jabbers all the time.  She is HUGE blessing in the middle of our struggle!  God has been good to our family even in the face of adversity.

In this past year I have been diagnosed with 3 chronic diseases, but the most harsh one is fibromyalgia.  It has destroyed “normal” life.  I live in constant severe pain through my whole body and live on multiple meds just to make it through the day.  Along with that comes constant fatigue, “brain fog” – meaning I can’t remember or speak clearly, and double vision.  My wife has had a horrible pregnancy…threw up for all 9 months, then 2 months afterwards and then had emergency gallbladder surgery 2 weeks ago.  Life has been a little unmanageable, yet we’ve survived with the help of my parents  & in-laws and a lot of prayer.  If I don’t post for a while, just realize it’s hard for me to take interest in things as usual.  It is a struggle day to day just to live life.  I appreciate your prayers and words of encouragement.  Some of you friends have been amazingly supportive and kind.  It amazes me those who were close remain distant and those who were not so close have drawn near.  I love you all and miss you dearly.  I will keep fighting everyday!